Thursday, June 19, 2008


Art Piece 2, rotated

Yes, this is an odd angle.  I rotated the photo.  Doing this gives me an idea of what the piece would look like hung.

The dark blue at the very top is what will be turned under to form a casing. 

What do I think?  It doesn't work.  There are too many different ideas in the piece. 

  • At the bottom is a stripe effect. 
  • Then there are rectangles. 
  • The rectangles are followed by a cluster of yellow stripes on blue. 
  • Next comes  the beginning of what looks like it is going to be a repetition of the first group of rectangles, but with some orange added.  I know, it looks red in the photo, but all the reds are really oranges. 
  • Finally, at the top,  comes my favorite part---a kind of watercolor effect of blues yellows and oranges. And that is where I really lost the original idea.

The result is a piece which does not have enough unity to be pleasing to the eye.

Improvising at the loom can be very dangerous.  Weaving this piece was lots of fun, but what the weaving of it yielded was something unexpected: a very rich learning experience but also a lesson I shall find difficult to learn.

Related Post:  Art Piece #1 Done

© 2008


Dorothy said...

I agree there's too many different things going on, but it is also lovely and interesting. Very worthwhile. It's as if you have been playing with ideas in the way you would in a sketch book. If you were sketching, the next thing you might do is pick out one or two things you thought worked well and use them in another piece of work. I do hope you develop your ideas from this piece and don't just put it on one side!

Peg in South Carolina said...

Dorothy, thank you for seeing the worthwhile in the piece. What you propose is exactly what I am going to do. I suspect at some time I am going to have to cut off the woven fabric and retie on the front beam just so I can check on what I have woven in terms of what I want to do next!

Meg said...

Yes, what Dorothy and you said, Peg. Like a sample book.

I like that you turned the photo around so you can see it hung. I'm going to use that idea!

Leigh said...

I too think this is worth pursuing. Right before you started your first art piece, I was trying to figure out if I could use the multiple tabby weave to create something in a Mondrian-esque fashion. I couldn't get it to work with those particular samples, but I haven't given up on the idea. Needless to say, I've been interested in your art pieces.

Peg in South Carolina said...

Leigh, I look forward to watching you explore those ideas.

Anonymous said...

I think it looks good! I hope you will give it the honor of hanging it, displaying it in good light, and maybe playing with some objects you enjoy in front of it. My gran had an art professor in school who made her students frame, or at least matt, all their finished pieces. It convinced her that an artist can often be happily surprised by her work once she cuts the very subjective critical connection she has to it while it is in process.