Tuesday, March 11, 2008



Here are two different treadlings. The blue and yellow at the bottom of the image are crackle blocks tromp as writ.

For me, the really nice thing about this particular bit is that using only two colors allows me to see exactly what is going on with each treadling and also makes it quite clear where blues or yellows dominate. This, hopefully, will provide useful information when I actually start to weave something other than samples........


The two yellow and green blocks are polychrome treadling (one treadle after the other and repeat). In the first block, green leads and yellow follows. In the second block, yellow leads and green follows.

I was frankly surprised that any kind of design showed up. But it did!

The green bit at the top is simply polychrome treadling but with only one color, certainly not very "poly-"! It's only real function is to keep the fabric from ravelling until I can get to the sewing machine and zigzag the beginning and ending edges.

Related Posts:
More Polychrome Treadling
Polychrome Crackle with Blue Weft
Eight Crackle Blocks on Four Shafts: More Polychrome Treadling
Tromp As Writ - Observe the image in this post and compare it to the image in the
current post. The only different is that the fabric in this post is woven with 10/2 pearl
cotton for the pattern weft; while the fabric pictured in the current post uses 10/2 pearl
cotton for the pattern weft. Both use 20/2 pearl cotton for the binder wefts.

Author's note, throwing up her hands---Blogger is going to do whatever it wants with shaping this last statement. I give up!


Meg said...

Time to put your feet up and cook up another plan?

Peg in South Carolina said...

Stay tuned. No time to put my feet up. Much cleaning up still to do. Then washing ironing, examining and decision making. The warp is already dyed and ready to be wound.

Leigh said...

Lovely! Surely it was worth it ;)