Friday, August 8, 2008


The thin light violet line is the separation between sample two and the beginning of sample three.

Samples 2 and 3

SAMPLE TWO (below the violet line)

I wove a bit more on sample two.  I had used an advancing twill type threading, moving up.  I decided to finish it off by repeating the treadling some more, but moving backwards.  The result is a mirrored image design with blocks moving in one direction in the first half but in the opposite direction in the second half.  None of this seems to be visible in the photo!  Indeed, the photo suggests a very different kind of effect.  This is very strange and I do not understand it!


I noticed that I saw the pattern in the fabric, not when I looked straight down at it, but when I looked at it from the side.  So I took more photos.  Looking at those photos on the camera's LED screen before I snapped them indicated that I had caught the pattern.  But when I put them on the computer and looked at them there, no pattern.  So I decided to choose one at random and put it in the post just to see.


OK, this is a very strange angle. It also shows a bit of the first sample at the very bottom of the image.  But that's because Windows Live Writer turned the photo on its side when it brought it into post.  Rather than correcting it, I decided to leave it in this goofy position because it gives an idea of what it would look like hanging straight up and down.  In any case, finally, the design itself is visible.

And why does the pattern show in the photo on the blog post but not on the photo when I view it in either Corel Photo Album or Corel Paint Shop Pro?

SAMPLE THREE (above the violet line)

Here I used the point twill treadling I had used in the first sample. Go here to read about that sample. But instead of using two colors, I used three colors.: dark blue, dark green, and orange. But you certainly can't tell it from the photos. After a completed sequence, doing the points both at the right and the left, I rearranged the colors. 

But where's the green?  Good question.  It sure doesn't show up in the photo!


On the second sampling, I rather like the way the optical effects change depending on how you look at the fabric.  Color blocks dominate the threading/treadling pattern when viewed from one direction.  From another direction, that  pattern comes through. This is a kind if iridescence phenomenon.  If you want to see a spectacular example of irididescence, go to Sandra's blog post here.

When I finish weaving the third sampler, I will try more photography to see if I can get all three colors to show.  Perhaps using a different three colors in the weaving would help here as well.

P.S. for bloggers and wanna-be-bloggers: go here to learn more about Windows Live Writer.  I have used this blog writing tool for a couple of months now and like it very much.

© 2008


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the appearing / disappearing effect on the same photo depending on the software is a matter of scale. Within the blog the same photo is smaller so overall trends and large scale pattern dominates. Expand the photo and there's a lot more detail for the eye and mind to process.
I love this series, and the wonderful way you use colour.

Leigh said...

That's what came to mind for me too. Most of my photos are shot 640 by 480 pixels, for posting on my blogs. Occasionally I need a larger photo, and these, GIMP opens up at only about 66% of actual size. When I zoom in to 100%, all the details are there, but at less, they don't seem to be there.

Peg in South Carolina said...

Judy and Leigh, yes, scale is part of it, but only part. The other part is how the light hits the fabric. If you have ever seen iridescent taffeta you see how it changes colors at different angles. What is happening in this piece is a kind of iridescence. Sandra of Sandra's Loom Blog has some wonderful photos of this and she too once mentioned that she captures it better when she takes the photos from the side. Judy, thank you for letting me know you like the series. I am having fun exploring!