Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Posted by Peg in South Carolina
My original plan had been first to dye seven variants of green at 2% depth of shade (DOS) and at 4% DOS. 4% is, generally speaking, the most saturated color you can get.  0.25% is pretty pale.  But, as I am wont to do, I changed my mind as I was beginning to make the dye liquids.  As I was mixing the colors, I decided that dyeing yarns at 2% and 4% DOS at the same time was just a little too complex.  In addition,
1. I could easily make errors in the measuring. 
2. I might have trouble, once the yarns were dry, deciding which yarn was in which dye pot. 
3. Finally, I was interested in the less saturated versions only in the final colors I was going to use.
Here are the eight skeins, each in its own dyepot (a Mason jar) absorbing the color. The orange yarn (5/2 pearl cotton) hanging off the edge of the jars is looped through the skein and tied.  It gives me something to hold on to to lift the skeins in and out of their jars.
Greens in dye pots
When these sample are dyed and dry, I will evaluate to see if I want to do more greens, using the same five 0.1% solutions but in different proportions.
Related Post:  Dyeing in the Kitchen

Green Dye Sampling” was written by Margaret Carpenter for Talking about Weaving and was originally posted on September 22, 2009. ©2009 Margaret Carpenter aka Peg in South Carolina.


Delighted Hands said...

Here comes my fav color.............!

Peg in South Carolina said...

Well, Delighted Hands, if nothing else, you will like the colors in this piece!