Monday, October 5, 2009


Posted by Peg in South Carolina 

The block threading design as it now stands (after considerable revisions) is a good outline of the overall design. 


To see the block threading design in its previous incarnation, check out this post.  For an even earlier version, go here.

Each individual block is really one threading unit of four ends.  In this design, the most a block gets repeated is two times. At 60 epi,  four, and even eight, warp ends represent only a fraction of an inch.  The base size of a block has to be larger.  And groups of  blocks are going to have to be repeated.

My spacing indicates that there are three groups of blocks.  There is the left side, which slopes down from left to right.  There is the right side, which slopes down in mirror image.  And there is the center group which forms a point twill. The only group that will not be repeated is the center group.  But it will have more than one threading unit in each block.

So here is my (hopefully) final design. Note that I continue to leave blank spaces between the larger block groups so that I can easily differentiate one group from another.

profile threadingThe first block group begins at the top right and ends close to the top left. It consists of blocks 11 units wide.  The exception is the first block, which consists of 12 units.  This is to compensate for the shrinkage at the selvedge so that, hopefully, the extra 4 warp ends will give that block the same width as the others.  I may decide on 13 units.

This first block group is repeated again.  Then a third time, but with  difference.  Here the number of blocks gradually diminishes, until they are down to 3 in number. 

The central unit begins on the third system, near the middle.  In this central unit, each block is repeated only three times. 

Then the left unit begins, a mirror image of the right side.

Next step:  work out the actual threading. 

Related post:   Correcting the Crackle Draft Continued

Designing the Whole Threading“ was written by Margaret Carpenter for Talking about Weaving and was originally posted on October 2, 2009. ©2009 Margaret Carpenter aka Peg in South Carolina.



Delighted Hands said...

This is still over my head but I am trying to understand!

Peg in South Carolina said...

As a young adult, I played my best tennis games when my opponent was better than I. She always won, of course, but my game improved as a result.