Thursday, July 16, 2009


Posted by Peg in South Carolina

End of Warp Sampling Begins

I have begun this sampling with more polychrome treadling. These are not the colors I will be working with in my next project. It seems at this point that my next project will be in grays and browns with greens.

I do not want to do a separate set of samples with those colors. First of all, I still have to do a lot of dye sampling. Then there will be the dyeing of all the yarn I will need. And threading and weaving 60/2 silk is not a fast project.

I have a deadline sometime in January.

So I am going to risk putting on a very long warp which will give me lots of room to sample. Doing that, however, will have the further advantage of getting the warp used to the loom so that it will behave. I have found on every silk warp that I have woven is that it takes nearly a yard of weaving before the warp finally bows down to my demands.

So as I weave this I must mentally erase all the sharp color contrasts in this current warp. Instead, I try to imagine the grays, the browns and the greens. The next project will involve much more subtle use of color. The colors will continue to be rich, but the effects will be far more subtle. That is my hope.

This desire for subtlety means that my threading blocks are going to be designed differently from what it was for this warp. On the right side of the sample, there are these wide rectangles of color—blue, gold, red, depending on how I have used the colors. If you look at the gold treadlings at the top, you can see that those threadings do represent three different blocks. But much of the time, the treadlings do not let those blocks read as three separate entities. That will have to change.

I do have an image in my head. I even have a working title. I can see that I can use these colors in ways that will make for an interesting piece if I use the treadlings I have just done here as the basis for the next project.

I have a bit more playing to do with the polychrome treadling and then I am going to move to some treadlings which will require tabby. Not my favorite way to go in terms of pure weaving. But based on what I have seen in the computer drawdowns, I am thinking that is going to be what I will want to do. On the other hand, I know that computer drawdowns do not tell the whole truth. So I will sample.

Backk Rod Coming Off Beam

The back rod is beginning to come off the beam but the warp is still behaving. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

Related Post:
8 Crackle Blocks on 4 Shafts
Treadling with Floats of 4: 8 Crackle Blocks on 4 Shafts

End of Warp Sampling Begun” was written by Margaret Carpenter for Talking about Weaving and was originally posted on July 16, 2009. ©2009 Margaret Carpenter aka Peg in South Carolina.

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