Thursday, March 12, 2009


Posted by Peg in South Carolina

weaving binder for notes Recently at Office Depot I saw these lovely multi-pocket folders. They looked neat. Better than manila envelopes for keeping records together of a complex project. So I purchased two—one red and one green.

I am now using the red one for the crackle shawl/scarf/sample. The folder has a total of eight pockets. There is one each on the inside of each cover. There there are three pages, each with a pocket on either side.

This is how I have set up the red folder. The first pocket (on the left in the photo) has the details for what I originally called “Sampling for Crackle Shawl.” That sampling has morphed into the Sample Scarf, and this pocket includes the history of that morphing. The pocket on the right contains dyeing instructions.

The remaining pockets, which are not visible in the photo, contain details for the crackle shawl itself in the third pocket, the details of the sampling I did on the leftover warp from the red crackle art pieces which is where this current project had its beginnings, in the fourth pocket miscellaneous mostly handwritten notes, in the fifth pocket technical information on the weave structure, and in the sixth pocket information on finishing techniques, including fringe twisting.

I have a lot of information in this pocket folder, all neatly organized. I should be able to find information easily and well as add more information and ideas easily.

In the green pocket folder I have put the materials on the handspun shawl I am currently weaving. That is a bit of overkill because there is really very little material: the sampling that I did, the drawdown, and information on the materials. One normal manila folder would work just fine.

Related Posts:
Organizing Projects: Part One
Organizing Projects: Part Two

Multi-Pocket Folders” was written by Margaret Carpenter for Talking about Weaving and was originally posted on March 12, 2009. ©2009 Margaret Carpenter aka Peg in South Carolina


Bonnie said...

I am on my way to Office Depot today. I will look for them. Thanks.

Peg in South Carolina said...

You are welcome, Bonnie