Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Posted by Peg in South Carolina

Threading doneAs the photo shows, I have finished the threading. The groups of threaded ends are tied in slip knots so that the ends stay where they belong.

The next step is to set the loom up for sleying the reed.

I have put back the top of the beater and put in a 12 dent reed. I will put 2 ends in a dent for 24 epi. I have pulled the bench back outside of the loom and have replaced the front top bar. I have removed the books from under the shafts so that the shafts have dropped back in place. And I have used cord to set the beater so that it is almost perpendicular to the floor. I like it leaning back a little because that makes it easier to do the actual sleying.

I have not yet put on the front fabric beam. That would get in the way of my legs a bit as I am still sitting quite close to the loom, even though I have moved the bench outside.

I will begin sleying in the middle. First I sley from the middle to the right; then from the middle to the left. I have marked the center point on my beater, so it is easy to see where to start the sleying.

Photography Note: The small size of the images in my blog posts has been driving me nutty. I use Windows Live Writer to write my posts and publish from it. I have finally discovered that images are automatically being resized to small and that I have other choices: medium, large, full picture, or my own figures that I put in. And I can also resize them manually—why on earth did I not recognize that last?!

Sometimes small is fine, but not always. Perhaps my eyes are just getting old!

"Ready to Sley the Reed" was written by Margaret Carpenter for Talking about Weaving and was originally posted on November 18, 2008. © 2008 Margaret Carpenter aka Peg in South Carolina


Geodyne said...

This is fascinating - is there a reason you sley from the centre, but thread from one side?

Peg in South Carolina said...

Geodyne, if I sley from the center I don't have to 1) figure out how many dents I need on each side; and 2) count the number of dents; and 3) not make a mistake in counting so that I don't end up with the center at the center.